Live Simply. Love Generously. Care Deeply. Speak Kindly.


"A photograph is usually looked at -
seldom looked into." ~Ansel Adams

If you're photographing in color you show the color of their clothes -
if you use black and white, you will show the color of their soul.
~Author Unknown

There are always two people in every picture:
the photographer and the viewer. ~Ansel Adams


Quick Update!

Hello all. It has been a couple of weeks since my last blog and I have seriously been slacking. We have been extra busy as of late with the end of my school term nearing and everything else we've had going on. We had a very busy memorial day weekend. My dad and Darren tore out our back porch and dedicated a day and half to working on that. We also had Jason's surprise birthday party on Saturday which was countless hours of fun for all of us! Darren got a new job last week welding and he is awaiting an opening through the HVAC union. He is very eager for this job venture to start, but in the mean time is enjoying the hard work he is doing now. He will be back in school for another week or two in June! Braeden and Brooklynd are growing so fast. Brooklynd just recently has started talking more and more which is very exciting for us all. Braeden of course talks a lot (like his mom!) but is forming full sentences. They are both happy & healthy babies that we are thankful for every day. We hope you all enjoyed your long weekend!


Our sweet boys...growing up fast!

Brooklynd James 15 months (April)
Fixing his lawn mower
Our little snugbug!
Braeden Donald 2 1/2 years (April) Blowing his flower (weeds!)
Showing us his rock! He is very proud


Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to all of you lovely women! I hope you all had a spectacular Mother's Day...we did! Our family, my parents, Trista, Jason & Kody all headed out to the zoo for brunch it was great and we took the kids through the zoo afterwards. It wasn't too sunny and wasn't raining so in our book it was perfect. We got to see the sea lions being fed and doing tricks which was pretty cool and ran into a few people we had seen the night before at Darren's friend Zack's baby shower BBQ. His wife Carrie is having a girl, expected in June. The clothes she received were adorable! After the zoo, I took a 45 minute nap for the first time in a long time. All in all our weekend was fun filled. As you can tell by the delay in posting we are even busier than before. I am taking 3 classes in school 1 regular, 1 online and 1 telecourse. Midterms were last week and the previous one...I did fairly well, but the reading in these 3 classes is killing me! I will be thankful for summer term. I have signed up for 2 online classes and will be thankful for the break. Darren's has started his softball season and his second game is on Wednesday I missed last weeks because I had a midterm, but they won and the guys were excited about it.