Live Simply. Love Generously. Care Deeply. Speak Kindly.


"A photograph is usually looked at -
seldom looked into." ~Ansel Adams

If you're photographing in color you show the color of their clothes -
if you use black and white, you will show the color of their soul.
~Author Unknown

There are always two people in every picture:
the photographer and the viewer. ~Ansel Adams


Christmas Day at Ahma & Papas

Mixing drinks, having a snack!
Self portrait :-)
Loves his "hulmut" and goggles
Trista with her nephews
Ahma snuggling Brooklynd
Posing with his new scooter
Looking out the window at the snow...hoping it continues
Kody opening his camera
The 3 boys snuggling

Christmas Morning

Look what Santa brought us....
A basketball hoop too
Ooh a helicopter (opening stockings)
Brooklynds first time doing his own stocking!
Opening present from mom & dad
He's a pro...
Yay lunch boxes and placemats :-)

Santa Visits...

Santa must have thought the boys were nice this year and not too naughty because he brought them lots of goodies, ate the cookies & drank the milk they left for him and even took the time to write them each a note...

Christmas Eve

We spend Christmas Eve with my family at my cousin Nancy & Barts house, it's an annual get together and this year I got lots of pictures of Brooklynd, but my Braeden spent the entire evening upstairs with Kody and the other kids. He had a little crush on an older girl named Danielle and he followed her around like a was adorable, his first crush! He wouldn't even talk to me the entire evening, he was too embarassed to be seen talking to his mom! We all had a great time, there was tons of delicious food, great company and entertaining game playing. We left around 11:00pm and headed to Ron & Mary's house, which we haven't done since we had kids, but it was good to go back. We played Scene It which was hilarious, although Darren and I weren't very good at it, we had a great time. The kids slept and we got them home super late so Santa could visit, they put cookies and milk out for the first time and were fast asleep in a hurry. Here are a few pics!

Brooklynd needed a little convincing that he couldn't eat Santa's cookies


Out after the Ladies Night...

A few of us went out for a night cap after the party are a few pictures! We met up with my parents, Trist & Jason and some of the spouses too!

2007 Ladies Annual Holiday Party

Nikki was gracious enough to host this years Ladies get together at her home last Saturday evening. Here are a few pictures- there was lots of food, drinking, laughing and chatting! 10 out of 12 were able to make it....not bad!

Baby Ailie meets the Ladies!

Sara and Randy's baby girl got to meet some of the girls for the first time at the Ladies Xmas Party. Here are a few adorable pics of her with her dad! I had to share...


Update on Baby Brooklynd's Finger...

So this morning I took Brooklynd in for what I had hoped would be his last appointment. They removed his bandage which he was again a trooper for, it was stuck with some yuckies- so they soaked his finger and removed it while he screamed. He got a cookie and I read him a book that helped the tears. After removing it Dr. Mirarchi said it appeared he had a bit of an infection and he would be on antibiotics immediately. He suggested I soak it in the bath and wrap it so there is no more risk of additional infection. The main concern at this point is if the infection doesn't cease from the antibiotics it could infect the bone and they would have to again do surgery to remove part of the bone...arrghh...we are praying the antibiotics work, as you can imagine! I will be so thankful when this whole process is over. It has been almost 2 months since it began- I never dreamed it wouldn't be over with. We go back in on the 2nd of January for his checkup...wish us well!


Holiday Pictures!

Happy Holidays Y'all!

Here are a few pictures of the the boys and us trying to take some family pics. We hope you are all having a wonderful holiday season!

No more pictures mom...
No really...
So much fun...faster, faster!
Our cute nuggy
Picture with mom..
At least one turned out fairly well!


My baby's 1st haircut!

Over the weekend we got the boys holiday pictures taken and so we (Darren) decided that it was time to get Brooklynd his first haircut. Now while I'll admit it was a soon-to-be mullet, I couldn't bring myself to decide when exactly to do it - because I just loved his baby curls. With his brother beside him at Little Clippers, he did an awesome job. She knew how much I loved his curls so the first cut just took some of the length off and I would have just assumed kept it that way, but his daddy wanted a big boy haircut, so that is exactly what Brooklynd got! Here are a few pictures of the boys getting their haircuts.

The first cut!
The first finished product
I love those curls
And the clippers come out
His faux hawk complete :-)
Helpful big brother Braeden getting his done...he loves getting his hair "tut"