Live Simply. Love Generously. Care Deeply. Speak Kindly.


"A photograph is usually looked at -
seldom looked into." ~Ansel Adams

If you're photographing in color you show the color of their clothes -
if you use black and white, you will show the color of their soul.
~Author Unknown

There are always two people in every picture:
the photographer and the viewer. ~Ansel Adams


Happy Birthday Darren...Daddy...Honey!!!

Today is Darren's birthday and although we all got to wish him happy birthday before work/daycare this morning and I may see him for a few minutes when he get's home from work, we won't really get to spend his birthday with him :-( Therefore, I made him a birthday cake to go along with his gifts and took these pictures for him from his babies along with a video of Braeden singing "Happy Birthday"! I hope he likes it!!


Happy 2nd Birthday Brooklynd James!!

Brooklynd turned 2 today and he blew out his second candle on his second birthday cake for his second birthday :-) We had family over for dinner and cake and the boys had a great time. Happy Birthday baby Brooklynd!!
The big boy, can you tell he's a year older?
Nini made him this special birthday cute!
Blowing out his candle
Their favorite part the blowy thingys
Braeden loved them!!
Kody's creative doing the morning of Brooklynds birthday!

Happy 30th Sam!

Last night we celebrated our great friend Sam's 30th Birthday. We had so much fun with our "extended family"! There was lots of yummy homemade pizza and drinks and dancing feet were hurting so bad by the nights was a great time for all of us and we're lucky to have such great people in our lives...Happy Birthday Bubby!!


Terra & Ryan Visit

Terra and Ryan came to visit last Saturday and left this morning. It seemed like it should have been an ample amount of time to visit but I feel like we barely saw them...we already miss them very much and the boys had so much fun playing with them they didn't want to see them go. Unfortunately the last night they were in town we all went to dinner (except Darren and Ryan) and Brooklynd had a major meltdown so him and I went home before dinner began....I think he wasn't feeling well, but I was sad I missed out on hanging with Terra Lyn and on seeing Ryan and hugging them goodbye. Trista & Jason went out with them and Ryan's sister and I wished I could have gone but Brooklynd wasn't feeling well and I didn't have a sitter. Hopefully next time we can see more of each other. We celebrated Brooklynds birthday while they were in town which was nice that they could share one of the boys birthday's, since the timing doesn't usually pan out and visits are hard to predict with their schedules. While they were here they made it to see Kody play basketball too- which he was sure excited about!


Brooklynds Birthday Party!!

Today we celebrated Brooklynd turning 2 at Pietros Pizza. The theme for his party was cookie monster because he is our little cookie monster! He had a great time with friends and family and opened every last gift with a smile on his face. He even blew out his very first candle...yay Brooklynd! Uncle Ryan and Aunt Terra were here for the party and he was so happy to have each and every one there that made time for his special day....we are blessed with great friends and family!! Thank you all...Here are a few pictures.


NYE 2007

On the way to the NYE party!

Good times
Happy New Year sister
Darren and my mama

Daddy dancing!
and more it!

a fun evening we all had