Live Simply. Love Generously. Care Deeply. Speak Kindly.


"A photograph is usually looked at -
seldom looked into." ~Ansel Adams

If you're photographing in color you show the color of their clothes -
if you use black and white, you will show the color of their soul.
~Author Unknown

There are always two people in every picture:
the photographer and the viewer. ~Ansel Adams


Hippity Hop...Happy Easter!

We hope everyone had a wonderful Easter. We had a special houseguest this past weekend, Darren's sister Stacy- which was great fun! We had a super busy weekend, we took the boys to their very first Easter Egg Hunt and they had an awesome time! The boys favorite friend Grant turned 2 and his birthday party was lots of fun, it was held at Gymboree where they played with a giant parachute and lots of other climbing toys as well as chased bubbles! We celebrated Easter with the annual brunch we attend at my bosses house and had tons of food and of course the infamous brown sugar bacon, which we've been awaiting all year! Here are a few pictures(thanks to Aunt Stacy) of our weekend!

I'm a slacker!

So I haven't posted for quite sometime for several reasons. The first being that with school and work and family stuff, I have been keeping quite busy. Last week was Spring Break and I'm back to homework again this week! The other main reason is because the camera I was borrowing since my first was stolen was also stolen (while in my purse- which was stolen!) It's a long story with a lot of drama I'd rather not get into. Any who...I haven't gone to get a new camera and will first be replacing my sisters that was it could be a few weeks/months! For any of you who truly know me, you know that in itself is a HUGE problem...I NEED a camera, I use them all the time and cannot believe I've gone this long with out one! I hope you all are well and will post Easter pics as soon as they are sent to me. In addition we attended Grant's 2nd birthday part and there were the cutest pictures of my boys which of course were lost when the camera was stolen and then pics of my baby Braeden in his big boy bed on the first night. Once I get a camera I will take more of those and once the other person sends me pics of the boys at Grant's party (no pressure!) I will also post those. At least I have all of the memories I just wish I had all of the pictures too ;-) Don't even get me started! Tata for now....


Tim's 50th Birthday Party!

We celebrated on my bosses 50th birthday last night! The celebration was held at the Tualatin Country Club. We had a phenomenal dinner, drinks and quite an eleaborate hypnotist performance! I was quite skeptical about the hypnotist before he initially began, but it was very entertaining and humorous. My parents, sister, Jason, Darren and I went out afterwards and had a great time! I didn't get any photos of the hypnotist because we were elected to video tape the performance, but I did get a few from the rest of our evening they are!
Darren being silly :-)
My padre
Me and JJ
Darren and my madre
Trina & Trista