Live Simply. Love Generously. Care Deeply. Speak Kindly.


"A photograph is usually looked at -
seldom looked into." ~Ansel Adams

If you're photographing in color you show the color of their clothes -
if you use black and white, you will show the color of their soul.
~Author Unknown

There are always two people in every picture:
the photographer and the viewer. ~Ansel Adams



Well some things are changing...

Okay so most of you may already know that Darren has had a sudden, but desired and somewhat needed career change. As of now he is temporarily driving for a door delivery company until one of the union jobs he has applied for finishes tying up all of the loose ends and gets him in the door. Which we anticipate will be just a little over a month. It has been a bit stressful for the past week for him I am sure as well as for myself but it looks as if things will be turning around for us soon enough. He has decided to head in the sheet metal direction or the elevator repair direction...both union jobs, which will be nice and with more stability and growth that he is very much looking forward to.

As for the boys they are sweet as pie...(most of the time). Brooklynd started daycare just last week. I am sure it was harder on me than it was on him, but I know he's in good hands. I get updates on both the babies all of the time and pictures too :) They are both getting so big. Brooklynd will be 4 months old in a couple of weeks and Braeden will be 20 months old. They are so darn cute together. Braeden likes to squeeze Brooklynd and he kneels down next to him and rubs his head. It is very precious.

We have been very busy lately. I feel like we haven't been home in ages and with summer coming up on us it seems it might stay this way. Darren and I took a baby sign language class a couple of weeks ago and have started incorporating that into Braeden's language skills, it seems the hardest part for us is to incorporate it into our own language skills. Hopefully as Brooklynd gets a little older we will be more versed in it. In the evenings we have had many baseball/softball games to attend lately and unfortunately missed one for Kody tonight due to Darren's first day (12 hours) at his new job. Looks like he may be working lots of overtime for now. Last night was Darren's first softball game and they won! Darren wasn't too happy with how he played (Braeden was clapping for him, he thought his daddy was great!) I am sure he just had a case of the first game jitters. He played left center and right center field. Had several base hits and overall did great, at least me and the boys think so. The night games are a bit hard on Braeden he doesn't get to play around too much, and with the beautiful weather that is all he wants to do. It gets very chilly as the wind picks up, will be nice once it is warmer, but nonetheless we very much enjoy it.

We are looking forward to a camping trip later this month and traveling to Missouri early in June to see Terra graduate from Medical School. Then comes Terra and Ryan's wedding, in Forest Grove at the Elk Cove Vineyards. For details view their wedding website in our links on the right hand side!

We hope everyone is well and getting a chance to enjoy all of the sunshine!! It never is around
long enough. Take care....Love Trina...

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