Live Simply. Love Generously. Care Deeply. Speak Kindly.


"A photograph is usually looked at -
seldom looked into." ~Ansel Adams

If you're photographing in color you show the color of their clothes -
if you use black and white, you will show the color of their soul.
~Author Unknown

There are always two people in every picture:
the photographer and the viewer. ~Ansel Adams


Latta/Lorenz Holiday Newsletter

Since ALL of the cards are finally out. I thought I'd include on here the jist of what was in our newsletter (which was included in most of the cards). Most of you have already received one, but if you haven't here is the overview... :-)

This year has been an eventful and busy one for our family. Starting with the birth of our second son Brooklynd in January. It was a big adjustment for us but one that we have thoroughly enjoyed. Braeden loved the new addition and mostly wondered what “it” was! Things have changed a lot since then. Now they interact
with each other so very much. Braeden has become a very helpful and loving big brother, and has only pushed him down a few times! Brooklynd is now almost 11 months old and Braeden is just over 2 years old, yes we are crazy!! We enjoy (most) every minute of it and are thankful for everything. Brooklynd is pulling
himself up and will be walking any time now, I cannot believe how big he’s getting it will be interesting to see which one dominates as they grow up. As you can probably imagine Braeden is a chatter box and can be as stubborn, (we aren’tsure exactly where he gets that), as the day is long, but thankfully he is an absolute doll and a very happy & loving child the majority of the time.

We are very lucky to have our baby boys and are thankful each day for it. As for Darren and I things are pretty much the same. Darren is working for Western Pacific delivering doors & windows to homes being built. He drives lots of miles in a day. This keeps him at work from 6am to 7pm on average, so he looks forward to starting the Sheet Metal Apprenticeship, hopefully in February or March! I am still working at MCAM doing clerical work, this year makes 7! I am also starting school in January, I am registered for 2 online classes and am looking forward to working towards a degree. I have also started selling Avon very recently and
look forward to the opportunities that will bring. For more detail on what our family is up to check out our blog throughout the year www.dtandbb.blogspot. com I try to keep it up to date for all the family out of the area and those of you whom we don’t see often enough. It helps me remember day to day as well!! Best
wishes to all of you for a happy holiday season & a prosperous & healthy 2007

With Love~ Darren, Trina, Braeden & Brooklynd!
Christmas Fun Fact: John Callcott Horsley, a British painter, designed the first Christmas and
New Year's card in 1840. It went on sale in 1843, when 1,000 cards were offered for $1 each.
Christmas Fun Fact:In Italy they have no Christmas trees, so instead they decorate small pyramid shaped wooden stands with fruit.

Not exact, but you get the idea!
Love to all of you near and far!

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