Live Simply. Love Generously. Care Deeply. Speak Kindly.


"A photograph is usually looked at -
seldom looked into." ~Ansel Adams

If you're photographing in color you show the color of their clothes -
if you use black and white, you will show the color of their soul.
~Author Unknown

There are always two people in every picture:
the photographer and the viewer. ~Ansel Adams


2008 Babe Convention...LOL!

Thanks to one of my girlfriends Lynsey we had our 1st Ladies Weekend Getaway! 9 of us girls headed down to Rockaway Beach on Friday September 26th! We rented a beautiful house basically right on the beach. We made a family dinner on Friday night and headed out to rock the town of Geribaldi Friday night. We attempted to be sensible and got a van cab to the Ghost Hole Bar, and what a ride that was. Our driver Tom hadn't seen the likes of 9 ladies in his cab in quite some time it seemed. We had so much fun and took way too many pictures. They treated us like celebrities and we loved it! Saturday a few ladies headed home 6 of us stayed and we layed low, built a campfire and then the power went out for a LONG, LONG time! It was interesting to say the least, but lots of fun! I hope to do it again next year...there's nothing like good girl friends and down time!


Braeden's 1st Day of Preschool!

Braeden started pre-school the day after he turned 4! I was so thankful to get him in since we were on a fairly packed waiting list, but it worked out that we got to send him. He was so super excited and because it was his birthday the day before they celebrated it again so he got three celebrations, plus he met lots of new friends and loved his new teachers too!


Happy Birthday Braeden!!

We celebrated Braedens birthday at my bosses house (Tim & Loris), thanks to their generosity! We had originally planned on holding it at a park but the weather would not cooperate. Many of our and Braedens friends & family came to celebrate. He had so much playing on the slide and climbing the play structure and eating cake and ice cream with friends! His birthday party theme was "Cars" and he adored it! On his real birthday September 22nd, we went to Red Robin for dinner, he loved all of the attention. Happy 4th birthday my little pooh bear!


more of...getting down and dirty

Getting down and AC....
Me and Tiff
Dancing on the stage!
Tiffany and Lynsey
Oh no...3-0!
Me and my handsome man!
And the smooches begin...
Darren and the ladies....
Kisses for my love!
Kissy kiss!
Darren and Tiff
Jason and I...woah!
More kisses for Darren
Tiff and Nik...muah!
I love Darrens face in this one!
Still going strong at Denny's!

The Dirty 30!

So I stole the title from Nikki because I think it's hilarious! I had an amazing birthday party, thanks to Darren and Trista! Love you are the late night photos from Cowgirls...good times!
Nikki, Me, Tami, Tiffany and Lynsey
Blurry but cute
The terrible trio
Tiff, Trina and Nikki
Dancing Queen
So cute...
Not my second job...obviously
My cute family...
One of my bestest
I love these ladies...
Dirty dancing
Dancing on the chairs!
Darren and Nick!
Fun, fun!
Love it!
Me with the Welches!
Late nighters!
Sweet kisses.
Me and this lady!
Bobb, me and Nik
Self portrait Queen, just like me...
Karen...air guitar or is it leg guitar!
Jessy, me and Carly!
Some of the ladies at AC...Bobb, Carly, Jessy, Karen, me and Tiffany