Live Simply. Love Generously. Care Deeply. Speak Kindly.


"A photograph is usually looked at -
seldom looked into." ~Ansel Adams

If you're photographing in color you show the color of their clothes -
if you use black and white, you will show the color of their soul.
~Author Unknown

There are always two people in every picture:
the photographer and the viewer. ~Ansel Adams


more of...getting down and dirty

Getting down and AC....
Me and Tiff
Dancing on the stage!
Tiffany and Lynsey
Oh no...3-0!
Me and my handsome man!
And the smooches begin...
Darren and the ladies....
Kisses for my love!
Kissy kiss!
Darren and Tiff
Jason and I...woah!
More kisses for Darren
Tiff and Nik...muah!
I love Darrens face in this one!
Still going strong at Denny's!

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