Live Simply. Love Generously. Care Deeply. Speak Kindly.


"A photograph is usually looked at -
seldom looked into." ~Ansel Adams

If you're photographing in color you show the color of their clothes -
if you use black and white, you will show the color of their soul.
~Author Unknown

There are always two people in every picture:
the photographer and the viewer. ~Ansel Adams


My Handsome Boys!

We got both of the boys pictures done this last weekend and are taking them back in for pictures together this weekend. Just thought I would share some of the pics with you all. Hope you enjoy! Loves!
Brooklynd is 8 months old!
Braeden is 2 years old!

My handsome boys!

Fun Weekend

This last weekend was a ton of fun. First of all our 1st born turned 2 years old on Friday!! It is CRAZY how time flies. It seems like yesterday we met him for the first time and he is already a big boy! We had a very busy weekend all due to this event. Friday night we went out to dinner with my family. He got to open one of his gifts from his Ahma & Grandpa and he got ice cream and they sung to him for the very first time! He was clapping and laughing and having a great time! Saturday morning Darren's mom & stepdad (whom were in town for this special event) came to visit and we all went out to a late breakfast. Braeden & Brooklynd had such a great time with their grandparents. Afterwards, we returned home and soon there after Darren and I took Braeden to get his picture taken. It is the first time in quite a while that Darren has accompanied me. Brooklynd got quality time with his grandma and grandpa and Darren & I got the same with Braeden. Sunday was Braedens official party. We celebrated with several family members and close friends, it was a big party for such a little guy! He was so tired by the end of it when he got in the car he was asleep within about a minute. We got to spend lots of time visiting with Darren's family this weekend which is always nice. Darren & his mom also planned their trip to Pennsylvania in October. We hope everyone is having a great week.


Birthday parties!

Last weekend the babies and I went to Kaleighs (our friends daughters) 5th birthday party. Braeden had a great time. It started off a little rocky, he tried to take a toy from Kaleighs brother Jake, but once that was resolved and the rightful owner of the toy had it back, Braeden was off and running (literally). It was at a local park, and so much fun. Braeden got to play on the swings, run around on some of the equipment and slide down the slide. Brooklynd got to be outdoors in the fresh air and a couple of my friends helped me with them which was very nice, as Darren was helping my dad move a shed. The birthday girl got lots of goodies and Braeden got some yummy cake and loved it. When Brooklynd started rubbing his eyes it was our cue to leave. Afterwards we headed up to see Darren & my family at my parents house. We went to dinner with our family and my bosses then home to but the babies to bed. Sunday Darren & my dad worked all morning and into the afternoon. Kody is playing on a fall softball team and has 2 games every Sunday. The boys and I went to watch and cheer him on with my mom and Trista. Dad and Darren met up with us a while after the 2nd game started. Darren went to play poker with the guys and Me and the kids went to dinner with Trista, Kody and mom and that wrapped up our weekend. Fairly busy and somewhat quiet.

This weekend is Braedens 2nd birthday. He turns 2 on Friday, I can't believe it is already here. Time is flying by. Brooklynd in turn will be 8 months old on Wednesday and he is growing up WAY too fast for me. He is quite a smiler though. A very happy, fairly content baby. Their interaction is so amazing, I love it. Braeden can be so stubborn sometimes, but so very gentle and helpful with the little baby whom he lovingly calls "guy"! I am getting their individual pics taken as well as a couple of them together over the next few weeks. Take care, love to you all!


Home Sick...

So I am homesick today with just me, myself and I. The babies are at daycare so that (hopefully) the cooties don't get passed to them and so that I can get some rest...which has yet to happen! This weekend Darren is going to be working with my dad as well as his own work I believe and me and the boys are going to our friends daughters 5th birthday party. Otherwise it looks to be a quiet weekend. Next week our baby boys turn 8 months old & 2 years old. We are celebrating Braedens birthday next weekend. It is amazing that my sweet baby is going to be 2. I am both excited & sad that he is growing up. He changes daily. He repeats every word you say and can put sentences together. He is such a great helper with Brooklynd, loves to dance, adores singing, talks like crazy and makes me smile even after he has a not so fun "toddler" moment!

Me and the boys went to my friend Tiffany's house last weekend, Braeden got to play with her daughter who just turned 2 and I got to meet her newest little one (whom will be 4 months soon). It was very much fun. Katie joined us and we all got to catch up with one another. It was fun seeing Braeden interact with her daughter Marley. It was very cute...she kept trying to kiss and hug him towards the end, but he wasn't having it...oh boy they do start young. He only would give kisses and hugs to the older women (Tiff & Katie). Poor Katie got baby & toddler pee on her, darn those pesky leaky of mine and one of Tiff's got her...we were spreading the wealth around. We figure it's a great initiation for her!!

We hope everyone has a great weekend. Take care...


More Birthday Pics..

Darren & Trista

Birthday Pictures...

Cody & Karen

Darren & Sam
Jessica, Bobbi & Carly
Karen, Katie, Kim & I
Me & Jason
Trista, Kimberly & I
Darren & I


3-day Weekend!

Now comes the end to a very nice, long weekend. Darren worked on Saturday for several hours and this morning for about half of the day. We also celebrated my birthday on Saturday. I turned 28. I am getting up there...Darren is tring to age me to 30...but I have 2 whole years left until then!! Mr. Latta however will turn 31 in Januaray :-) I got a very nice wakeup call of Darren's family (his mom, step-dad & sister) singing me Happy Birthday and this started of my fantastic day! I got several more calls & text's from friends and family. Darren had been the first to wish me Happy Birthday the night before he woke me up just to say happy birthday at exactly midnight and Trista was the second with a message she had left just before midnight the night before, that I got my birthday morning...then the wonderful wake up singing telegram :-) While Darren worked on my birthday, I hung out and played with the boys it was a lot of fun. Later that evening we were off to dinner with several friends and my family at my favorite restaurant The Taco House! It was so yummy! My parents watched the babies for Darren and I after dinner so we could continue celebrating with some of our friends. We had a great time and a lot of fun. Sunday we went over to Tristas house for a BBQ. Braeden had such a great time with Kody's toys and trying to ride/push his scooter around. He loves playing with the big kids. Brooklynd had fun with the ladies...getting ample attention from his grandma and our cousin Colleen! Then Labor Day we spent some time with just our family Darren and I took the babies and went out to lunch and then to the airport to try out our new camcorder he got me for my birthday and so Braeden (and Darren) could watch their most beloved airplanes landing and taking off. It was a great weekend. I hope everybody enjoyed the beautiful weather and the extra day off.

For fun just's the history or meaning rather behind Labor Day!! "Labor Day, the first Monday in September, is a creation of the labor movement and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers. It constitutes a yearly national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country."