Live Simply. Love Generously. Care Deeply. Speak Kindly.


"A photograph is usually looked at -
seldom looked into." ~Ansel Adams

If you're photographing in color you show the color of their clothes -
if you use black and white, you will show the color of their soul.
~Author Unknown

There are always two people in every picture:
the photographer and the viewer. ~Ansel Adams


Fun Weekend

This last weekend was a ton of fun. First of all our 1st born turned 2 years old on Friday!! It is CRAZY how time flies. It seems like yesterday we met him for the first time and he is already a big boy! We had a very busy weekend all due to this event. Friday night we went out to dinner with my family. He got to open one of his gifts from his Ahma & Grandpa and he got ice cream and they sung to him for the very first time! He was clapping and laughing and having a great time! Saturday morning Darren's mom & stepdad (whom were in town for this special event) came to visit and we all went out to a late breakfast. Braeden & Brooklynd had such a great time with their grandparents. Afterwards, we returned home and soon there after Darren and I took Braeden to get his picture taken. It is the first time in quite a while that Darren has accompanied me. Brooklynd got quality time with his grandma and grandpa and Darren & I got the same with Braeden. Sunday was Braedens official party. We celebrated with several family members and close friends, it was a big party for such a little guy! He was so tired by the end of it when he got in the car he was asleep within about a minute. We got to spend lots of time visiting with Darren's family this weekend which is always nice. Darren & his mom also planned their trip to Pennsylvania in October. We hope everyone is having a great week.

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