Live Simply. Love Generously. Care Deeply. Speak Kindly.


"A photograph is usually looked at -
seldom looked into." ~Ansel Adams

If you're photographing in color you show the color of their clothes -
if you use black and white, you will show the color of their soul.
~Author Unknown

There are always two people in every picture:
the photographer and the viewer. ~Ansel Adams


Birthday parties!

Last weekend the babies and I went to Kaleighs (our friends daughters) 5th birthday party. Braeden had a great time. It started off a little rocky, he tried to take a toy from Kaleighs brother Jake, but once that was resolved and the rightful owner of the toy had it back, Braeden was off and running (literally). It was at a local park, and so much fun. Braeden got to play on the swings, run around on some of the equipment and slide down the slide. Brooklynd got to be outdoors in the fresh air and a couple of my friends helped me with them which was very nice, as Darren was helping my dad move a shed. The birthday girl got lots of goodies and Braeden got some yummy cake and loved it. When Brooklynd started rubbing his eyes it was our cue to leave. Afterwards we headed up to see Darren & my family at my parents house. We went to dinner with our family and my bosses then home to but the babies to bed. Sunday Darren & my dad worked all morning and into the afternoon. Kody is playing on a fall softball team and has 2 games every Sunday. The boys and I went to watch and cheer him on with my mom and Trista. Dad and Darren met up with us a while after the 2nd game started. Darren went to play poker with the guys and Me and the kids went to dinner with Trista, Kody and mom and that wrapped up our weekend. Fairly busy and somewhat quiet.

This weekend is Braedens 2nd birthday. He turns 2 on Friday, I can't believe it is already here. Time is flying by. Brooklynd in turn will be 8 months old on Wednesday and he is growing up WAY too fast for me. He is quite a smiler though. A very happy, fairly content baby. Their interaction is so amazing, I love it. Braeden can be so stubborn sometimes, but so very gentle and helpful with the little baby whom he lovingly calls "guy"! I am getting their individual pics taken as well as a couple of them together over the next few weeks. Take care, love to you all!

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