Live Simply. Love Generously. Care Deeply. Speak Kindly.


"A photograph is usually looked at -
seldom looked into." ~Ansel Adams

If you're photographing in color you show the color of their clothes -
if you use black and white, you will show the color of their soul.
~Author Unknown

There are always two people in every picture:
the photographer and the viewer. ~Ansel Adams


Brooklynds Big Week...

So my littlest baby boy is getting huge! He will be 9 months old tomorrow...I feel like I am always saying how old he is going to be and then that month goes by in what feels like a day. It seems like the time is flying by faster and faster, day by day...minute by minute. Yesterday was Brooklynds first day in his new big boy carseat, he looks so little in it and if that wasn't enough firsts for one day...Freya called me to tell me that Brooklynd got his very 1st tooth...I almost started crying. I know that sounds silly, I just was sad I wasn't there for such an important event....but nevertheless I did get to see it just a few hours later and it's perfect and by today it is even more apparent. He is chewing on everything and has been doing so a lot lately. I think the 2nd one isn't far behind. The first chance I get once the tooth is really showing I will take a picture (of course) and share it with you all! Today I took Brooklynd in for his 9 month check-up everything seems to be great. He weighs about 22.5 lbs and is just just under 30 inches's amazing! He should be getting more mobile over the next few months. Due to his size (he's a big boy!!) the doctor wasn't surprised he wasn't standing yet or crawling for that matter. In fact he indicated that he may never crawl, as it's not vital to development and some babies just don't ever do it! We'll see. He has been getting up on all fours and scooches everywhere, but I have yet to see him crawl. He is very content when he is just sitting, but I can tell that is going to change and he has started to let that last much less than he used to before he wants to be on his belly to scooch around! The doctor said he is very healthy and right on target as to where he should be and that he isn't over weight by any means just a big, solid baby :-)

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