Live Simply. Love Generously. Care Deeply. Speak Kindly.


"A photograph is usually looked at -
seldom looked into." ~Ansel Adams

If you're photographing in color you show the color of their clothes -
if you use black and white, you will show the color of their soul.
~Author Unknown

There are always two people in every picture:
the photographer and the viewer. ~Ansel Adams


Happy EARLY Halloween!!

Yesterday we headed out to the pumpkin patch in the late morning we decided on Fir Point Farms just outside of Canby as it's closer to home. There was SO much fun stuff going on, the boys had a blast. Braeden got to pet the billygoats & rabbit and feed them as well. He went down a hay slide with Kody and got a little hurt, he started crying....At first we thought it just scared him, but I think he jammed his leg a bit! Luckily he walked it off and was good as new within a short while. Kody got to play on the blow up castle and all of the others. We all (except my dad and Brooklynd) went through a little haunted house. Lastly, after visiting the gift store we headed out to the pumpkin patch where Kody picked a HUGE pumpkin and Braeden picked a little on for him and an even litter one for Brooklynd. We got several pictures of them before my dads cameras battery died, I had to take the pumpkin patch ones with my phone! I will post them asap. On the way home from the pumpkin patch the boys crashed out...they were exhausted neither having gotten their naps. After napping they both got their baths and we headed out for the evening. We first went to my mom and dads to grab some last minute additions to my costume then we headed off to the costume party. My costume didn't turn out as well as anticipated but it served its purpose! Braeden absolutely would not wear his costume he had it on for under 1 minute. I had decided not to put them in their costumes until we got to the party because they were warm costumes and a bit uncomfortable (especially I am sure in a carseat) plus I wanted them (namely Braeden) to be excited about it! It didn't work as planned as soon as Braeden's costume was zipped up, he walked out to the living room of Lori & Tim's house and took the hood off and started to unzip the entire costume. We tried everything to get him to keep it on even for just 1 picture, but it was no luck. Brooklynd kept his on for quite sometime, then he was getting too warm so I decided it was time to take it off. We got a couple of pictures on other peoples cameras of Brookynd and I as Darren has ours and our video cameras battery wasn't charged and the charger wasn't working. I will share these pics as well as soon as I get them....It was very hard for me not having a camera....anyone that knows me knows it's attached to me at all times!! My parents took the boys home with them and put them to bed and I went out to meet a couple of friends for a short while. Then off to meet up with some other people and that was great fun! Hope you all had a great weekend. We are missing Darren very much and excited for his return tomrrow. Wish us luck at the kids party...should be great fun for the kids and the moms as well!

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