Live Simply. Love Generously. Care Deeply. Speak Kindly.


"A photograph is usually looked at -
seldom looked into." ~Ansel Adams

If you're photographing in color you show the color of their clothes -
if you use black and white, you will show the color of their soul.
~Author Unknown

There are always two people in every picture:
the photographer and the viewer. ~Ansel Adams


Jeremy and Cally's Wedding

We went to our friends wedding in Lincoln City yesterday. We left Portland at around 10am and the wedding was at 2pm. We got to town about 12:30pm had a quick bite to eat and started to head to the wedding when we realized we were going the wrong way, out of town....darn it! So needless to say then the rush was on. We had to sit in the traffic (again) heading back into town and go just over 60 blocks to the wedding! We made it only a few minutes late and there were a few other car loads which arrived after us. By the time Darren had changed and I had gotten the boys changed we were rushing in, but definitely worked out very well. The wedding was beautiful. It was at the bride's grandmother's house, with a beautiful bay side view. It was a family affair so I was very thankful that we had decided to take the kids, they had a great time blowing bubbles and playing with the other kids. We headed home around 5pm and were going to stop at the beach and let the boys play in the sand, but the weather was a bit misty and Brooklynd had fallen asleep right before we stopped! All in all it worked out well. This weekend was the last for my Summer Term in school!! YAY. This term was good, but I think my classes will result in B's! Darn it, you know I like A's. It is my own fault though. I didn't spend the time I should have on either class, I put forth a minimal effort. Ah, well I got public speaking out of the way and am thankful for that :-) I am scheduled for 3 classes for next term, but one is a night class and with Darren's current work schedule it isn't feasible unless someone else watches them. We'll see! Here are a few pics of our family from the wedding and some of the bride and groom!

Tanner (Jeremy and Cally's son) & Camden (Jeremy's nephew)

The boys..Brooklynd, Braeden and Darren at the bay!

Brooklynd running around...

Braeden blowing bubblesOur family all dressed up!

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