Live Simply. Love Generously. Care Deeply. Speak Kindly.


"A photograph is usually looked at -
seldom looked into." ~Ansel Adams

If you're photographing in color you show the color of their clothes -
if you use black and white, you will show the color of their soul.
~Author Unknown

There are always two people in every picture:
the photographer and the viewer. ~Ansel Adams


Babies are-a Growing

I have been blogging a bunch about all the things going on and thought it was about time to update everyone on the babies and then post some recent pictures. Braeden will be 21 months old in two days and Brooklynd is 5 months old today. The months have passed in what seems more like weeks.

Brooklynd had his 3rd big accomplishment over the weekend (his first 2 being smiling and sleeping through the night), at his Grandma and Grandpa Lorenz's he rolled from his tummy to his back twice. I have yet to witness it, but will be spending ample time on the ground as soon as the evening permits. He is also grasping toys and loves to chew on everything. He is trying so very hard to roll from his back to his tummy, but hasn't quite mastered it yet. I am sure this is just around the corner. Last time we took him to the doctor he weighed 15lbs, 6oz. which was when he was 4 months old he will go back in a month. He is growing so fast, I wonder who will be bigger of the two...He is a VERY happy baby, we are so thankful. He absolutely loves to have people talk to him and is very content. He smiles constantly and is rarely fussy. He still is sleeping great through the night, which we hope continues once he is moved from the basinett in our room to the crib in his room. We are waiting to get the desk out of his room, which will hopefully be soon, then he will be into his own room. Sometimes it is hard getting adjusted, so we hope for a smooth transition.

Braeden is talking up a storm. He says "please" (which actually sounds more like Weeze), he said "Aunt Stacy" while she was here. He calls my mom and Trista Nini (Neenee). Hey says lots of words "Hello" "bye-bye" "Nigh-Nigh" "Mama" "Dada". He says "Hi guy" to his brother (which he picked up from Grandma & Grandpa Ellwanger I believe), it is adorable. He says "bye guys" when he waves to whomevers going. At daycare they call him the greeter! He is very smart too. He says "yummy" & lots and lots of other words. He talks a lot (like his cousin Kody and his mom) and I love it! He is in need of his second hair cut already it's amazing, he has gorgeous white blonde hair. He has gone up 2 sizes since he started wearing shoes a little bit less than a year ago and he is now into 24 month or 2T clothing for the most part. Let's hope his feeties don't grow like his dad's or we will be in for it ;)!!

I love watching my sweet baby boys grow up, and can already see so many changes in both of them over the past few months...soon Braeden will be able to reach the pedals on his bike and Brooklynd will be walking, it goes way too fast, but I am so thankful to be a part of it, there is nothing else in this world like it.

Happy late Father's Day to all the daddy's reading this. Darren definitely had a fast paced Father's Day this year. It was his first with 2 babies. We went to a quick lunch with my family, then he took his sister Stacy to the airport and in the evening we went to a BBQ with steak and all the fixings at my bosses house. It was a lot of fun. A great end to a wonderful weekend. Things don't seem to be slowing down anytime soon. Darren has his last scheduled games tonight in a double header, but they do have 2 make up games that are TBA. There team is tied for 2nd in their league as of now. Looks like they will end their season on a good mark! Darren hit a home run last week which was very exciting. We were glad to be able to watch it, Braeden has a hard time concentrating as expected, but none the less he enjoys clapping for his daddy. We hope everyone is well and having a great week thus far.

PS The pictures aren't loading so well in this entry, so I will try one by itself...

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