Live Simply. Love Generously. Care Deeply. Speak Kindly.


"A photograph is usually looked at -
seldom looked into." ~Ansel Adams

If you're photographing in color you show the color of their clothes -
if you use black and white, you will show the color of their soul.
~Author Unknown

There are always two people in every picture:
the photographer and the viewer. ~Ansel Adams


Nothing New

So not much happened over the weekend which was very nice for a change. Saturday morning after having a good breakfast and after the kids were rested, we headed over to Kodys basbeball game. It was his last of the day in a tournament they were playing it. It was a beautiful day and Breaeden loved running through the grass. Afterwards we went out to dinner with my parents! Today Darren worked with my dad for a couple of hours in the early morning and then we all went to the last of Kody's games in the late morning. After this, we headed over to my parents house for some relaxation time...The boys all fell asleep for several hours and I decided while I had the chance to go swimming. I went to check on them all around 3:00 & unfortunately we had to change our early evening plans due to the fact they were all still asleep. We had planned to head over to my aunt and uncles for one of my cousins birthday party, but because the boys were so sleepy, I let them sleep and had to cancel our plans....we hope to see her over the coming weekend to wish her a happy birthday! After the boys did finally wake up, we took Braeden down for a swim to re-introduce him to the water. As anticipated at first he was hesitant, he wanted to splash the water with his hands, all the while keeping his feet dry. He soon realized this wasn't an easy task, and gave into his urge to splash and sat next to me on the first step into the pool. From there we eased him into it step by step and by the time he was done for the day, he was trying to swim on his own away from his daddy, not fully understanding the concept of drinking water and drowning :) Thankfully, it was time for us to dry off and head upstairs, so Darren didn't have to fight it too long. We had dinner at my parents house and eventually headed home to rest up for the week ahead. We hope everyone had a great weekend and is keeping cool. I hear tomorrow it is supposed to be above 100 degrees today.....summer's here! Loves.

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