Live Simply. Love Generously. Care Deeply. Speak Kindly.


"A photograph is usually looked at -
seldom looked into." ~Ansel Adams

If you're photographing in color you show the color of their clothes -
if you use black and white, you will show the color of their soul.
~Author Unknown

There are always two people in every picture:
the photographer and the viewer. ~Ansel Adams


Random Stuff...

"For me, a landscape does not exist in its own right, since its appearance changes at every moment; but the surrounding atmosphere brings it to life - the light and the air which vary continually. For me, it is only the surrounding atmosphere which gives subjects their true value."- Claude Monet

"The sun, centre and sire of light, The keystone of the world-built arch of heaven."- Phillip James Bailey

About that sun...
Our house could be classified simply as a sauna, without of course the super absorbent, fancy towels and the option to walk away once you are "cleansed"!! I think the temperature around here reached over 100 degrees yesterday and today they say it should have only reached a cool 85 to 90 degrees. It's funny when you are "thankful" for 90 degree weather! I absolutely love the sun would take the 100 degree weather over the rain and storms most any day, but it is a bit rough on the babies. Braeden does so well with everything and even he was getting cranky yesterday. To beat the heat yesterday the kids daycare took them to a park with a bit of a wading pool. Freya said that although Braeden didn't like the baby life-jacket he was wearing, he had a lot of fun. He is quite independent as we tried using that same kind of life-jacket on him on Sunday and he got so was quite funny. For those of you that don't know the baby/infant life-jackets have a collar in the back and a little loop for the adult to hold when they go too far you just reel them in again :) Braeden seems to think he can swim with the big boys. He is definitely all boy. He has bruises, scratches and bumps to prove it! Brooklynd has been doing okay with the heat, except if he wants to sleep than he has a very hard time, he gets very restless. Which I for one can definitely relate to it is so hard to relax at night when you are sweating and everything is sticking to you. As for our sauna (house), thankfully our air conditioning may be fixed by tonight. My dad and Darren installed it at the end of last summer and it worked for about a week and then kind of stopped for no real reason, and because there was no heat they didn't worry too much about it, but now that summer has just begun they have decided to take another look at it. Hopefully it is a minor fix! I am sure it will not be fun for my dad to try and figure it out in the heat wave we are experiencing right now, but who knows when it will pass.

This week will be kind of quiet, which will be a nice break for all of us. Last week was Darren's last softball game until the makeup games on July 11th. Therefore this will be our first Tuesday being home in quite a while, the babies and I will miss it as I am sure will Darren, but possibly not for too long. Trista has been talking of starting up a girls team...I think it's in the works, which will be sooo much fun. I am a bit nervous because I am SO out of shape and so it will take a while for me to be up to par, but I am sure by the end of it all will be fine! Then maybe in the future we could do a co-ed team or something...For this week & weekend, we don't have a lot pre-planned, tomorrow I have bunco which will be fun to catch up with the ladies, I missed it last month as we were in Missouri! Then over the weekend as I mentioned in my last blog we will be getting together with my cousin and her daughter for the little ones birthday and then my mom's birthday in on Saturday so althought there are no plans yet I am sure at least dinner if not the beach also are in store for us all! We hope everyone is enjoying the sun and surviving the heat that comes along with it!
Take care...

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