Live Simply. Love Generously. Care Deeply. Speak Kindly.


"A photograph is usually looked at -
seldom looked into." ~Ansel Adams

If you're photographing in color you show the color of their clothes -
if you use black and white, you will show the color of their soul.
~Author Unknown

There are always two people in every picture:
the photographer and the viewer. ~Ansel Adams


Independence Day!

We hope you all had a very Happy 4th of July. We did a "summer clean-out" of sorts at our house this morning & afternoon. Darren finished up with the yard clean up- you know the fun stuff, mowing, pulling weeds etc. Later with the help of my dad and Kody they got the sandbox/kiddie pool & hot tub cleaned out and refilled. Braeden was so cute and soaked from head to toe. He loved holding the hose and spraying himself and others and threw a fit anytime they needed it to clean, rinse or fill up anything. Eventually this led to the real source of him being frazzled, when I layed him down for his much needed and unwanted 2nd nap.

I on the other hand with preliminary help from Darren got our bedroom mostly cleaned up and out and got Brooklynds basinett moved out of our bedroom and into his. He will be sleeping in his own room tonight :-( My sweet little baby is growing up. Alas, it is inevitable. He is very precious as is my big baby, we are twice blessed. As soon as I have some more time Brooklynd will be moved to his own crib, then he will really be a big boy on his own! In the middle of our clean up for good cause we took a break as the 4th of July is my Grandmother's birthday. Our family got to take her out for lunch, she just loves the boys and is very happy to get to see them.

In the early evening, we headed up north not too far away to Camas, WA to my cousins house. They have an annual block party/potluck/BBQ. We took the babies up and with the rest of my family got to enjoy some good food, good company and good fireworks. By the time the fireworks had started Brooklynd was fast asleep and Braeden who was up past his bedtime didn't enjoy them too much, he sat with me most of the time, snuggling and laying his head on my shoulder and less than 5 minutes into our drive home he was fast asleep as well. We hope everyone had a great holiday! Off to bed we are ourselves. Loves to all of you.

For the history of our great 4th of July go to:

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