Live Simply. Love Generously. Care Deeply. Speak Kindly.


"A photograph is usually looked at -
seldom looked into." ~Ansel Adams

If you're photographing in color you show the color of their clothes -
if you use black and white, you will show the color of their soul.
~Author Unknown

There are always two people in every picture:
the photographer and the viewer. ~Ansel Adams



With nothing much going on, thought I would update you on our babies, while I had the extra minute. Brooklynd went to the doctor last Thursday for his 6 month checkup. My mom was kind enough to take him. He weighed 18 lbs. 9oz. and was 27 inches long. He is now ready for a big car seat. I can't believe it. He is rolling over easily now, I can't step away from him for a minute or he has almost completely rolled off of the blanket :-) This now means that our sweet first born is now 22 months old as of yesterday, soon to be our little 2 year old. Time has sure flown. Braeden still has outweighed Brooklynd in comparison at the same ages......For recent pictures of the babies, please click on the link to the right at the bottom, "my three bears" There are recent pictures up. Take care. Hope everyone managed to have a great weekend even with the crazy hot weather!!

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